Monthly Archives: March 2012

#24 Defining Circles


A circle is the set of all points that are the same distance from a given point.
Center of a circle is the given point; the point that all other points in the set are a given distance away from. Radius is the given distance between the center and the set of points of the circle: the segment from a point on the circle to the circle’s center. Semicircle: An arc of a circle whose end points are the endpoints of a diameter. Minor arc: an arc of a circle that is less than a semicircle of the circle. Major arc: an arc of a circle that is greater than a semicircle of a circle. Chords: a line segment whose endpoints lie on the circle. Diameter: a chord that intersects the center of the circle. Secant: a line that intersects the circle twice. Tangent: a line that intersects the circle once. Inscribed Angles: vertex on circle. Central angles: Vertex at center










#23 Properties of Special Parallelograms


If two parallels lines are intersected by a pair of parallel lines the same distance apart as the first pair, then the parallelogram formed is a rhombus. All sides are congruent. Diagonals of a rhombus are perpendicular. Diagonals of a rhombus are perpendicular bisectors of each other. The diagonals of a rhombus are bisector of of the angles of the rhombus. A rectangle is an equiangular parallelogram. A square is both a rhombus and a rectangle. A square is an equiangular rhombus. A square is an equilateral rectangle. A square has all the properties of both a rhombus and rectangle.




#22 Properties of Parallelograms


– Opposite sides are parallel
– The opposite angles of a parallelogram are congruent.
– The consecutive angles of a parallelogram are supplementary.
– The opposite sides are congruent.
– If LM=VM then M is the midpoint of LV.
– If OM=ME then M is the midpoint of OE.
-EO Bisects LV. LV Bisects EC.
-The diagonals of a parallelogram bisect each other.
– Vectors have both direction and magnitude.
– Length=magnitude
direction of arrow=direction of vector
– The resultant vector (vector sum)


#17 Buried Treasure Project


Treasure Hunt- Geometry
Today I will be burying my gold coins in a treasure box. Also I will be doing thins with my pirate pet dog Snickers. We rode around Fresno searching for a place to bury the treasure. We found a spot where to bury the treasure next to an old oak tree. On our way home in the car we were sure that nothing would come our way of losing our treasure. When all of a sudden our map slipped out the window and disappeared. We tried looking for the map but it was nowhere to be found. When I arrived home, I went to the dinner table and found a piece of folded paper in a flower vase. I opened it and said, “In order to find the lost treasure, you have to find the next clue an it will give you instruction to where the map will be. You will have to follow the directions very carefully. You will drive to the church at Peach and Belmont. It will be underneath a bush of bright flowers. Good luck!” I wondered how that paper got there, so we drove to the church hoping that we’d find the treasure. I walked inside by the dinner table, checked it there was a clue in that flower bush, there was nothing. I looked up the bookshelf where there was also a flower bush, still nothing. So I went outside and was frustrated; it was already getting dark outside, and thought I would never find the last clue. Just then, I see a flower garden and said to myself it could be anywhere. I saw a large flower bush, walked up to it, and there was the last clue underneath the flower bush. This next clue said, “Congratulations, you have found the next clue to your map. Now you will drive to the train station behind the Greyhound bus station located on H street and Tulare. Inside the lobby of the station, the map will be inside of a red circular object. Sit on any chair, look up and it will be there.” So I took my clue there, I looked up and there it was. Inside of a helium balloon. Eventually I was able to get the balloon from the ceiling. I took out the map and was very excited to retrieve my treasure. Finally we drove five miles north, dug out the treasure and said to my self never again will I burry my treasure.

