Monthly Archives: January 2013

Journal Write #4


*Fundamental Theorem of Algebra*
In this theorem, every polynomial with a degree greater than 0, has at least one root in the set of complex numbers. For example, if you had the roots -2,-i, i, you could factor and solve the problem.

*Complex Roots to Polynomial Equations*
When you have your two roots, you have to factor it. Then you simplify and solve like in this example shown below.

*The Conjugate Pair Theorem*
In this theorem, if a±bi is a zero of f(x), then a∓bi is also a zero. Like in the video I watched, suppose that has these were zeros in the picture shown below. You would have to find 3 more zeros like in this example.

Journal Write #3


Throughout the time I was working on the puzzle cube worksheets, I learn the process of how to find variables with fractions. For example, lets say the equation is 1/2x+3=27. I would subtract 3 from itself so that 1/2x could be by itself. I also subtract 3 and 27, which the equation is now 1/2x=24. Now I multiply 1/2 to its reciprocal which is 2/1 and they cancel out and x stays by itself. I also have to multiply 2/1 to the other side which is 24 and its result is 48. So x=47.
That was just an example of how I could have solved a problem but there were other equations that had a different way to be solved. Once I found all the variables I had to find the length of all the sides of the puzzle cubes to be able to create the puzzle cube pieces. I also had to find their perimeter. After I have created all the puzzle cube pieces, I had to find ways to create a cube with all the 7 pieces. Once I found some solutions I made a video on how to form a cube with the pieces I made so that my solutions could be recreated.