*Circulatory System*

*The Blood Mobile*
Deliver oxygen
Transport white blood cells
fights infections
Delivers food to the cells
Gets rid of waste






*Human Hand Adaptation*

*Happy Leap Year Erica!!!*

*Cystic Fibrosis*
Cystic Fibrosis
Cystic Fibrosis is a disease that causes mucus to build up in the lungs and makes it hard to breathe. People can inherit this from their parents if they carry an altered gene. Cystic Fibrosis is a recessive gene, and the cause of it is both recessive traits from the parents combining (if they have any). About 30,000 children including adults in North America have Cystic Fibrosis and about 1 in 29 people carry an altered gene. Sweat tests, screening of newborns and other things are ways of identifying this disease. Some symptoms would be continuous coughing, trouble breathing, poor weight gain, and a disease of the
lungs by inflammation of lung tissue. No one really knows the life expectancy of a person who carries Cystic Fibrosis but in 2009 it was
measured out to somewhere in their 30’s. It depends if the
situation is moderate or severe. Now that the things are a bit
more advanced, there have been suggestions of treatments or therapies that can help alter the patients life’s span. The disease can be treated with a medicine that can thin mucus
and make it a bit easier to cough. It can
also be treated with antibiotics, anti-
inflammatories, and medicines that can
help to breath easier. If you are interested in having treatments or therapy, please ask your doctor first or a genetic counselor to make sure if it is okay to take it, or ask your doctor what’s best and more recommendable for your safety. Because people have Cystic Fibrosis, they would take capsules with every meal, have their airways cleared up once if not 4 times or more per day, take multi- vitamins, and liquid medicines that turn into mist to inhale. They’re limited in doing some physical activities because of their condition. I want to let you know that this is not the end, that there are some organizations that can help a family with a child’s disorder;
National Society of Genetic Counselors- (610) 872-7608; http://www.nsgc.org/
The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists: (800) 762-2264; http://www.acog.org/
Cystic Fibrosis Patient Assistance Program (888) 315-4154; http://www.cfpaf.org/
Cystic Fibrosis Services
(800) 541-4959; http://www.cfservicespharmacy.com/
There is hope for those with Cystic Fibrosis.




*Genetic Engineering Segment 1*
I just learned that you’re able to change the gender and other traits of your child
One thing that surprises me was that people would want to change their child’s genes.
One thing that was controversial was choosing what genes you want your child to have.
I personally think that it is wrong that people would want to change their child’s genes because if they do that, when it’s too late something could go wrong with the child.

*Oompah Loompah Genetics*












*Paper Pets*

*Mitosis and Meiosis*


*DNA Strands*

*Phases of Mitosis*

*Strawberry DNA*









*Bio Journal*
Bio Journal #32 1/9/12
1. Which of the following is NOT one of the bases in DNA molecule?
– c. uracil

2. Cytosine will form a base pair only with:
– e. guanine

3. What is a nucleotide?
– a. a phosphate, five-carbon sugar, and a nitrogen base

4. DNA assumes a form termed what?
– d. double helix

5. DNA may be described functionally as:
– b. a blueprint for RNA production

6. The weak bonds between complementary nitrogen bases involve:
– c. Hydrogen

Bio Journal #33 1/11/12
1. What is DNA?
– Deoxyribonucleic acid

2. What is it used for?
– It is used for tracing people

3. Were is it found?
– Mostly found in the nucleus

4. Name two movies or shows that mention DNA or Genetics. There are a LOT of them!!!
– The Big Bang Theory, NCIS

Bio Journal #34 1/13/12
1. In the strawberry lab, what did we do to the strawberry after we put it in the bag with the leaves off?
– Broke up the cell walls

2. Why did we do that?
– So we could get the DNA

3. What two things did we add to the strawberry (not including the water)?
– Salt and soap

4. Why did we do that?
– To break down the cell membrane

5. What did we add to the strawberry mixture?
– Alcohol

6. What happened?
– It separated the DNA.

7. Why did it happen?
– Because it is lighter

Bio Journal #35 1/18/12
1. What is RNA
– Ribo nucleic acid

2. What 3 ways is it different from DNA?
– Dna is a double stranded molecule and Rna is a single strand, DNA is deoxyribos and RNA is ribonucleic, DNA has Thymine and RNA replaces it to uracil.

3. What is RNA Transcription?
– When a small section of DNA is copied into RNA

4. How is it different from replication?
– When DNA makes an exact copy of itself

Bio Journal #36 1/20/12
1. What is mRNA? tRNA? rRNA?
-messenger RNA, transfer RNA, ribsomal RNA

2. What is DNA Replication?
-Copying of the DNA

3. What is RNA Translation?
– protein is synthisized

4. How is it different from Transcription?
– synthesis of mRNA from DNA

5. Explain the process of Protein Synthesis. starting with DNA.
-It is a process where it makes proteins. Creates a strand of nRNA.

Bio Journal #37 1/24/12
1. Sir Francis Crick, one of the discoverers of the structure of DNA, said about protein synthesis that is was called “central dogma of molecular biology”. What do you think he meant by that?
– It transfers information

2. If someone asked you to explain protein synthesis, how would you explain it in a way that a normal person could understand?
– It is made up of amino acids

Bio Journal #38 1/26/12
1. What is mitosis?
– It is where the division of cells happens.

2. What are the phrases of mitosis?
– Interphase, prophase, metaphase, anaphase, telophase, cytokenisis.

3. What happens in each phase?
-DNA is duplicated

Bio Journal #40 2/1/12M
1. What is the difference between Mitosis and Meiosis?
-In mitosis cells replicates itself and in meiosis two chromosomes switch genetic DNA.

2. What are the phases, and what happens in each stage of meiosis?
-Interphase 1, prophase 1, metaphase 1, anaphase 1, and telophase 1 are the phases and in each stage of meiosis replication and distribution happens.

Bio Journal #41 2/3/12


Bio Journal #42 2/7/12
Q.1) Which of the following is a phase of mitosis?
– A. cytokinesis
B. interphase
C. prophase

Q.2) If the parent cell starts out with 24 chromosome and undergoes mitosis, then how many will the daughter cells have?
– D. 24

Q.3) What is the last phase of mitosis?
– A. Telophase

Q.4) In Meiosis if the parent cells has 40 chromosomes, then how many will the daughter cells have.
– C. 20

Q.5) In Meiosis what do we call the number of chromosomes daughter cells have?
– B. haploid

Q.6) Meiosis produces which of the following?
– C. sex cells

Bio Journal #43 2/9/12
1. Who is the father of genetics?
-Gregor Mendel

2. What was his occupation?
-He was a monk

3. What kind of plants did he experiment with
– Pea plants

4. What do scientists wear on a date?
– Designer genes

Bio Journal #44 2/14/12
1. The Austrian monk whose experiments with pea plants were the beginning of our understanding of genetics was_
– Gregor Mendel

2. The different alternatives or choices for a gene (like blue, green, or brown eyes) are called_
– Alleles

3. Crossing organisms from the F1 generation produces the ______ generation.
– F2

4. Crossing organisms from P1 generations produces the ______ generation.
– F1

5. Mendel “factors” are now called—–
– genes

6. Self-pollination produces seeds with genetic information from _____ parent plant(s)
– one

Bio Journal #44 2/16/12
1. What pattern did Mendel see when crossing pure TALL with PURE short plants?
– D

2. Which of the following is true of Mendelian inheritance?
– if a dominant allele is present, the recessive won’t be seen

4.Pollen is produced by the ______ part of flower.

5. True or False
– F, F

Bio Journal #47 2/23/2012
1. What is genetic mutation?
– it is where you permanently change a gene in the DNA.

2. Why is genetic mutation a problem? What problems can they cause?
– It can cause quicker death. It can cause them to have a hard time breathing.

3. What is one example of a genetic disease?
– Cancer

4. What is a genetically modified organism?
– It something grown on someone or something purposely.

5. What is one benefit and one danger of genetically modified organisms?
– A benefit would be increasing food supply, and a danger would be if old or new diseases start to come up.

6. Should we alter children’s genes? Why or why not?
– We shouldn’t because it could lead them to future problems.

Bio Journal #48 2/27/2012
1. An organisms expressed physical trait, such as seed color or pod shape, is called its…
– c) phenotype

2. An organism that has two different alleles for a single trait is said to be _____ for that trait.
-a) heterozygous

3. If the allele for green pod color (G)is dominant over the allele for yellow pod color (g)which of the following genotypes would a plant with yellow pods have?

4. In the cross-pollination between a true-breeding yellow pod plantains a true-breeding green pod plant, where green pod color is dominant, the resulting offspring (F1 generation) will be…
-d) all green

5. If the green F1 plants from the previous example are allowed to self-pollinate, the resulting offspring (F2 generation) will be…
-c) 1/4 yellow, 3/4 green

Bio Journal #50 3/2/2012


Bio Journal #51 3/6/12


Bio Journal #51 3/8/12
1. What is a Y link trait? Give an example
– Baldness

2. What is an X linked trait? Give an example
– Color blindness

3. How could having the sickle cell gene be a good thing?
– You can’t get malaria

4. How could having the sickle cell gene be a bad thing?
– Red blood cells begin to shrink.

5. What is trisomy?
– 3 copies of a gene

6. What is down syndrome and how is it caused?
– Trisomy 21

Bio Journal #53 3/12/2012
1. What is non-disjunction?
– it is when chromosomes fail to separate

2. When does it occur?
– it occurs in during anaphase in meiosis

3. What is an example of an autosomal non disjunction disorder?
– down syndrome

4. What is an example of a gender chromosome nondisjunction disorder?
– turner syndrome

5. Why do female cats have different colored spots?
– because they have two x-chromes and have three different color possibilities

Bio Journal #54 3/16/2012
1. What have you learned in biology so far this year?
– I have learned how to make a pun-net square and I also learned about diseases like cystic fibrosis and also projeria.

2. What grade do you think you’ve earned since Feb 2nd? WHY do you think you’ve earned that grade?
– I think I have earned an A because I have done my work on WordPress.

3. What do you think the world would be like if we allowed human genetic engineering and human cloning?
– The world would be filled with injustice because it would only be available to people who can afford it and the people who can’t would be left lone.

4. Find a funny, clean biology joke or comic and post it:)
-“Did you hear about the famous microbiologist who traveled in thirty different countries and learned to speak six languages? He was a man of many cultures. ”

Bio Journal #55 3/20/2012
1. Edmodo

2. What is an example of a genetic mutation that you would consider a “good” or “useful” mutation?
-Sickle Cell anemia

3. What is an example of a genetic mutation that you would consider a “bad” or “harmful” mutation?
– Cystic Fibrosis

Bio Journal #56 3/22/2012
1. Who was Charles Darwin?
– came up with the theory of evolution

2. What is the theory of evolution and natural selection?
– a change over time

3. How did humans evolve from monkeys?
– They didn’t

4. What islands did Darwin stop at off South America?
-Patagonia an Galapagos island

5. What animals did he study there?
– finches and tortoises

Bio Journal #57 3/26/2012


Bio Journal #58 3/28/12


Bio Journal #59 3/30/12


Bio Journal #60 4/11/12


Bio Journal #61 4/13/12


Bio Journal #62 4/17/12


Bio Journal #63 4/19/12


Bio Journal #64 4/23/12


Bio Journal #65


Bio Journal #66


Bio Journal #67 5/1/12


Bio Journal #68 5/3/12


Bio Journal #68 5/7/12
I saw that many plastic bags and other plastic garbage travel from millions of miles. It becomes very dangerous once it reaches the ocean. Many aquatic animals may become trapped in the plastic. They also die when they begin to breath the plastic. We could go in boats and clean up the mess we did in the first place so that the ocean wouldn’t be completely covered with plastic trash.

Bio Journal #69 5/9/12


Bio Journal #70 5/11/12


Bio Journal #71 5/15/12



Bio Journal #72 5/17/12


Bio Journal #73 5/20/12
1. Esophagus
2. Liver
3. Stomach
4. Gall Bladder
5. Pancreas
6. Small intestine
7.Large intestine

Bio Journal #74 5/23/12


Bio Journal #75 5/25/12


Bio Journal #76 5/30/12


Bio Journal #77 6/7/12
1. Drink Water! 20 min.
32 oz per day, 8 glasses (20 min before eating)
2. Eat Slowly! 20 min. MINIMUM to eat a meal. Chew!
Breakfast is the most important meal of the day!
3. Eat one plate of food, and not after 8 pm
4. MODERATE: Fat, Meat, Salt, Sugar, Carbs, Caffeine
5. DON’T: Drink, or Smoke alcohol.
6. DO: Exercise! Be Fit! 30 min of CV. Eat Fiber (Fruits and Vegetables esp,) Get an an annual Dr. exam, have a Positive Mental Attitude!! It’s your LIFE were talking about!!!

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