Category Archives: History

Documentary: North Korea


North Korea is the most isolated and secretive country on earth. It contains over 23 million people and is about the size of Mississippi. There was a famine that killed more than 3 million people. North Koreans have no freedom and are running on dictatorship. They do not have Internet, cellphones and other things of that sort. The people there have been generationally brainwashed into thinking their leader is a god and can do miracles. Normally, Americans aren’t allowed there in North Korea, but the interviewers from the video were. They view us as imperialists.
Blindness in North Korea was is common, and most people hadn’t had eye surgery. There were only a few doctors that knew how to use the equipment donated to them from other countries. There was a doctor that visited the people to cure them from their blindness and to teach the doctors to continue with the work when he leaves. The people were amazed at the results.
In North Korea, they have concentration camps. People who commit a “crime” would be placed there as well as their entire family. Most people didn’t know why they were sent there. Concentration camps were created to add more fear to the people.